Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can you perform dental surgery on yourself?

I knew a guy who did self extractions with a guitar string and a door

Can you perform dental surgery on yourself?
why would you want to? wouldn't that be pretty painful?
Reply:why would you want to get to your dentist!
Reply:Yes, with pliers.
Reply:YES!but don't
Reply:You can. Enjoy you are obviously into pain!
Reply:me? i have known a person that has......
Reply:Not advisable. Trust me, the orthodontist has better tools.
Reply:You could, if you knew what you were doing. I wouldn't recomend it since you will either be druged or in pain so unable to preform at peak, making advanced proseduers difficult to consitrate on.

Yo can, but I wouldn't

My friend is a dentist, he has done it many times before.

The hardest part was giving himself the injection, as the human body is not programmed to harm itself, but once he managed that he was fine!
Reply:i suggest getting totaly bladerd then trying it good luck at least it wont be so painful
Reply:Well, sure! I do it all the time. I mean, since you're working on yourself, your aim's not as accurate and you end up knocking out a few more teeth than you meant to. . .but you've got a head full of them, anyway, what's a few more gone?
Reply:Maybe you should consider if you can perform counselling on yourself 1st!
Reply:I has been done, but I wouldn't try it unless it was a matter of life and death. If the pain was bad I'd take a belt of whiskey.
Reply:Yep but I can't say its going to be that comfortable for you, and there is always a danger of infection after you've been messing around with pliers etc. in your mouth - my advice - don't!
Reply:Yes please try and tell us how it went.
Reply:ouch! why would you want to do that-maybe its because your either afraid of the dentist or finances are tight.. if you attemt to do dental surgery on yourself you will more than likely cause yourself damage to your teeth,severe pain and even maybe cause an infection..
Reply:I am dentist,so tell you do not like that ,you will hurt yourself. go to see doctor,do not be silly.
Reply:No, not exactly! But, I wish that I can perform dental surgery on myself if only that I myself might have the chance to perform dental surgery on myself if only that I can conduct a few procedures without performing an act of self-injury whatsoever under any circumstance imaginable for those who might know about conducting dental surgery upon one's self as the top priority in performing the effort of doing several procedures without inflicting self-injury by accidentally dislocating the lower mandible area of which the procedure takes place. But, what the hell, you might find some logical way of performing dental surgery on yourself somehow one way or the other, kinda think of it!!
Reply:desperate times indeed eh... yeah, it can be done, but it might be better if you set up a pact between a buddy and yourself - preferrably someone in the same situation as you.

Pain relief will be the main issue....
Reply:Dont talk so effin stupid,muppett
Reply:I wouldn't recommend it

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