Monday, May 17, 2010

Plastic surgery? Please read details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Few days ago I read interesting articles about plastic surgery and dental care. I had a bit jaundiced view about plastic surgery for all my life but now I need to change it. Thouse who think that it's wrong to change something by plastic surgery do you think the same about braces too? They change the way how face looks (sometimes a lot) although it's not always needed for health. What about teeth zoom it's not needed for health but many do that AND still criticize ''interference''in natural people look''. I have few friends who can't breath through one of their nostril but they don't do plastic surgery because they are affraid of other peoples opinion(I mean even close people). Do you know that so-called ''natural features'' like hooked noses and dissimilar eyes are equivalent with inaccurate occlusion or skew teeth from genetical point of view? What's your opinion?

P.S. I'm not talking about few popular unsuccessful examples!!!!

Plastic surgery? Please read details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
youve made a great point that i have never thought of! yet...i think plastic surgery is great if you can afford it!
Reply:u're right it's a double standard. i think most people just fear looking like joan rivers, etc. there's nothing wrong with enhancing your existing features, just some people get carried away. if it's for practical reasons not aesthetic ones then who cares what people say just get the surgery. p.s. I love my hook nose!!!
Reply:If you want to change something on your body I say go for it. I will, if and when I feel a need for it. I love my body. If it takes surgery to keep me loving it I will do it.
Reply:I'm getting braces and i don't think it's wrong, and this is a very logical question that you are asking. Braces are just to straiten your teeth and the improve your bones, plastic surgery is to improve looks

plastic surgery: bad

braces: evil, but best to have
Reply:I feel that if the person needs and and can afford it let them decide. Other people should mind their own business.
Reply:honey if you have the money to do it.. go for it. why care what others think its your body! live your life for yourself not for others

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