Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dental implants?

Has anyone else been abroad for dental surgery. I need dental implants but the price over in this country is expensive, I have heard about hungary and you could have a holiday as well. They are supposed to be experts in their field, as anyone been out there and are you pleased with the results

Dental implants?
I doubt that it's very popular to go abroad for dental implants, unless you are planning to stay for a while. You have to keep going back to the implant doctor for follow up visits for like a year.
Reply:sounds good, however you will need to allow about 6 month for you vacation
Reply:As the first person said, it would actually be more expensive to go abroad since you'd have to do it several times. My husband is going through the procedure himself here in the states and it involves several steps which each need several weeks to heal. Plus, some of it is done by your actual dentist. He didn't get put to sleep for his so that made it somewhat cheaper. I'd be kind of nervous trusting a doctor abroad anyway since you don't know what their standards are. Do you not have any insurance offered at your job? His insurance is covering 60% of it. I'd stay here if I were you. If you've got the money to vacation abroad, you should have the cash to get an implant here, I'd think. It's cheaper than a hotel, flight, etc... My husband's procedure is coming in under $2000 and a lot of that is covered by insurance.
Reply:yes it probably is cheaper abroad but I'm in the stages of implants 2 front teeth £3,500,yes its allot of money but If I have problems then I can just pop to my dentist in my car,not on a plane,I'd be to scared to get it done abroad,implants are not just a one day procedure..please think very carefully
Reply:Put it in search for questions at the top,you will get lots of previous questions and answers,I have seen a question like this before and some answers off dentists,they seem to think its not a good idea because of the follow ups you need.
Reply:The way you should decide this is based on the complexity of the implant job that you need. If the job is very large and involves multiple implants, the followup would be very time consuming and likely to require you to go back many times. But if you need just one implant, its likely you could get it done in Europe for much less money. But if you count the cost of flying back and forth 2 or 3 times, it would not be cheaper. You really have to analyze the viability of the situation like if you are going home anyways to see family there, then you could justify the expense, but otherwise probably not.
Reply:Are you here in America? Because if you are.... help is near by with going to and see how you can get this procedure done and others that you need, for a lot cheaper price than to plan a vacation with airline tickets and probably trips back to that doc in the future.... Stay here in the USA, if you can help it and check this site out, you can sign up on the site and then you can get into the dentist with this plan probably this week yet... I would do it right away though, especially if you are in pain!

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